Monday 23 April 2012

Pesta Sukan Olahraga Sekolah-Sekolah Rendah 2012

Pesta Sukan Olahraga Sekolah-Sekolah Rendah Brunei I telah diadakan pada 22 April 2012. Lebih kurang 20 murid telah dipilih untuk mewakili sekolah dalam pesta olahraga dalam beberapa sukan yang dipertandingkan. Walau bagaimanapun, sekolah ini gagal meraih sebarang pingat bagi mana-mana pertandingan yang diadakan pada hari tersebut. Namun begitu usaha gigih yang ditunjukkan oleh murid-murid walaupun cuaca kurang mengizikan masih dihargai.

Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication. We shall try our best in the upcoming competition! :) 

Before being called to the track and start the race, students and respectives teachers were asked to gathered in the crowded 'call room'.

The boys relay team (400m x 4) still waiting for their turn while the girls relay team (100m x 4) were running for their school.

Its now, the boy's relay team (400m x 4) turn to compete...